Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Post Solo Check Ride

All I could think about since the last flight was the fact that the solo was over too quickly. I was dying to get back in the air for some practice on my own. Before I could do this I was required to complete my post solo check ride.

The winds didn't look good most of the day so I was starting to consider that this flight wasn't going to happen. I left work early to stop off for a visit with my wife and 2 year old son, while the 5 year old was taking a golf lesson. The lesson lasted a little longer than usual and my wife had that "you better not desert me to go flying" look on her face so I followed the family home. Once at home I sprang into action giving the boys a bath, brushing teeth, combing hair, getting them dressed, and reading them stories. I knew I was going to be late. Just as I was about to head out the door the older boy was calling me for another story. I immediately felt guilty about leaving so instead headed back upstairs for one more bedtime story.

Finally satisfied I said good night and ran out the door, driving as fast as I legally could to the airport. I arrived 15 minutes late and still hadn't started the walk around. I was reminded by I5 that I should have everything ready to go at the START of the lesson and that now we might not be able to get a flight in since he had to fly a charter in the morning and couldn't legally work past 9.

I made sure I didn't rush anything lest I overlook something that resulted in a problem for me later on. Finally in the aircraft we fired her up, then things took another bad turn. OK, I'll admit this now - I'm a small guy, vertically speaking. The Diamond doesn't have seats that move and instead you move the rudder pedals forward or back. To make things even worse the seats are at a bit of a recline - you can't move the seats at all. I5 noticed a few flights back that I was constantly grabbing onto the dashboard to pull myself up for a better view. The next flight he suggested that I fly with a pillow. At first I was thinking "not a chance" but he convinced me to try it. A tiny pillow tucked into the small of my back allowed me to sit more upright and I instantly noticed the difference. My reach was improved and the visibility was at least 100 times better. OK, so now you all know it - I fly with a pillow (why do I feel like this is the same as a 3 year old with blocks on the pedals of his tricycle?).

Anyhow... there is a huge bin in the little room on the way out of the club to the ramp. Inside it has an entire suite of "pillows". Most of them remnants from couches long since retired and with little to no cushion actually left in them. They all seemed to be gone this day so I just grabbed one and headed for plane. Turns out that this one pushed me so far forward it was actually uncomfortable for me. I realize this until we were already starting our taxi on the ramp and mentioned it to I5. After a quick conversation we shut down the aircraft and he jumped out to grab me a tiny one. When he returned I asked if we had time for the flight to which he said "absolutely".

I felt in command of everything during the safety briefing. The takeoff from runway 25 went great. In fact everything went well. Before I knew it I was touching down in a slight crosswind, holding the centerline, and taking to the skies again. During the climbout we didn't speak as tower gave us a runway change. Now we were set up for runway 16 and again a happy approach and landing. As I turned downwind I asked him if he had any commentary and after asking if I felt good to go solo he called tower and asked for a full stop to drop off the instructor.

This time I wasn't nearly as nervous as he left the cockpit. I fired her up taxied back to runway 16 and flew for 7 touch and go's and a full stop. I'd like to say that I really enjoyed it but the truth is that I was concentrating deeply. I wouldn't say I was miles ahead of the airplane but I certainly wasn't behind. I diddled a lot with the power settings trying to get the right approach angle but never seemed to really get it. Either I was super high or super low. On the other hand I did manage to correct them all. Although it was improved - I have to fix this "diving for the runway" problem I have. It's really tough to get a good flare going when you are barreling in. Most of the landings did end up very well in the end.

After the flight I5 told me I was now signed off for solo circuits. I again enjoyed signing my name in the journey log as PIC for the second flight. Now that I have a taste for flying alone I'm REALLY aching to get out there again. The next flight will be all by myself from start to finish. I booked it right then and there for an evening flight 48 hours later.

23.1 hours and counting...

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